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cross sections in the road design projects

TransProiect's purpose is to reduce work time on cross sections in the road construction or modernization projects.

This desktop application is designed to offer high productivity, flexibility and even has lots of customization options.

TransProiect v2.0 incorporates its own programming language (DHL - Designing Helper Language), which allows lots of functions like changing colors or line width after or while working on a project. There is even the possibility of writing DHL scripts outside the software to use them into the software.

Also, for quickly making the linkage between the designed profile and the terrain, it offers, amongst others, an option for uniting points with PDWI (equivalent to AutoCAD's "end of.." OSNAP mode).


Custom ebook/cdbook design and development
Software development portfolio - Ebook development
If you are interested in Bluemind Software's initiative to provide custom design and functionallity and extra protection for electronic books (whether on CD or not) go ahead and CONTACT US.